In the royal courtyard, the princess did repose, As a distant flute beneath did softly compose. “Hold,...
“Amā at Dusk” In Neerav, the tranquil world of profound darkness, Whose gentle serenade softly unfurls? Whose...
The Worldly Image I try to hold you, moment by moment, but you slip away, Oh mind,...
In Mithila’s autumn glow, From what dreamy realm did she descend? Above, the cloudless sky so blue,...
What a wonder is that Nandanavan! Where the melody of her voice filled the air, Like honey...
In the realm of the honeyed twilight’s embrace, She slumbered, a girl, with youthful grace, Her lashes...
King-Queen King Spring, the queen of the seasons, But, their stories are so different! A smile on...
Awakening [To Spring, from the perspective of Winter] I, the frost-bitten one, now awaken, O Madhumasavali (spring)!...
Singing the poem, enchanted through ages, Captured by its verses, a timeless spell, Why does the nectar...
From the walls of Patna Jail, A plea echoes, a cry of compassion, Fate had destined you,...