King-Queen King Spring, the queen of the seasons, But, their stories are so different! A smile on...
Month: August 2023
Awakening [To Spring, from the perspective of Winter] I, the frost-bitten one, now awaken, O Madhumasavali (spring)!...
Singing the poem, enchanted through ages, Captured by its verses, a timeless spell, Why does the nectar...
From the walls of Patna Jail, A plea echoes, a cry of compassion, Fate had destined you,...
O mighty lion with two-fold strength, speak, The shattered roots of the earth tremble, The entire cosmic...
“To whom, O deity, should I offer this oblation, Craft enchanting songs of flowers, Depict the quiver...
“On the Muddy Bed of Evening, Ganga! Amidst the Sorrow, what lament, You’re sobbing, your gentle yearning...
“I Am the Melancholic Koel of Autumn” I’m the melancholic koel of autumn, A queen of scattered...
“Bodhisattva” Hidden within, the compassion arises, a symphony of universal pain, O deity! In your voice, the...
“Call of Poetry” Today, I won’t fly to the blue grove to seek dreams, Nor will I...